Matthew Dovey, head of e-infrastructure (strategy) at Jisc, and member of the EOSC governance board gives his thoughts on the importance of cloud computing and improving digital infrastructure

When designing a component or system, where do you start? In days gone by, designers would literally go back to the drawing board, using their experience and expertise to develop a new concept.


Intel has developed a new machine programming system developed in conjunction with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgia Institute of Technology

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has recently announced $7 million in funding for nine studies aimed at improving DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)

The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre has announced the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre for Extreme scale Readiness (PACER) programme to help computational researchers and prepare them for the next era of supercomputing

Matthew Dovey, head of e-infrastructure (strategy) at Jisc, and member of the EOSC governance board gives his thoughts on the importance of cloud computing and improving digital infrastructure

Ian Smith, of Cambridge’s Royal Papworth Hospital, discusses the use of big data for research into the behaviour of patients suffering from sleep problems


Sophia Ktori explores software that is used to develop and improve the efficacy of potential drugs used to fight COVID-19

Response to COVID-19 is helping to develop testing technology that will have far-reaching benefits beyond the global viral outbreak, finds Robert Roe

Sophia Ktori discusses the combination of drug discovery and cloud computing to rapidly select new candidate molecules in the fight against COVID-19 with researchers Christoph Gorgulla and Haribabu Arthanari

Press Releases
Scientists at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Moscow, Russia have shown that quantum enhanced machine learning can be used on quantum (as opposed to classical) data
Altair has announced a multi-year technical partnership agreement with Ducati Corse, the racing division of the Italian motorcycle manufacturer
Bright Computing, a provider of Linux cluster automation and management software for HPC and machine learning, announced that The Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure (LONI), an asset owned by the Louisiana Board of Regents, has modernised its do-it-yourself (DIY) high-performance computing (HPC) cluster management infrastructure
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AMD has announced that 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processor powered Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) C5a instances are now available in the US Europe and Asia Pacific regions
迅游网游加速器-为网络游戏加速护航【官方网站】:2021-6-15 · 绝地求生官方指定加速器,专业的网游加速器-迅游网游加速器,新用户免费试用!有效解决玩家在网络游戏中遇到的延时过高,登录困难,容易掉线等问题,迅游网游加速器为网游保驾护航!
Dell Technologies has announced Dell EMC PowerStore – a modern infrastructure platform built from the ground up to address the challenges of the data era.
Latest issue

Elsevier and ExactCure recently announced a collaboration to develop and offer to hospitals – without charge – drug-specific exposure models for 20 already approved medicines that are being tested as potential treatments for Covid-19.

With the world’s focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, LIMS providers are working to develop solutions tailored to assist in the testing and management of virus samples.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School (HMS) have released an open source drug discovery platform, VirtualFlow, that harnesses supercomputing power to screen potentially billions of small organic compound structures in parallel, in the hunt for promising new drug molecules.

When designing a component or system, where do you start? In days gone by, designers would literally go back to the drawing board, using their experience and expertise to develop a new concept.

Effective utilisation of computing tools is critical to both AI and HPC research, with recent projects in both fields highlighting the scientific benefit of carefully managing resources.

Advances in computer vision combined with AI computing are helping pathologists to more accurately identify subtypes of cancer - leading to better treatments for patients, explains Dan Ruderman.